Tooth decay is a condition that can impact the smile in a negative way. Decay, or “cavities,” can affect anyone at any age. When children have decay, it is essential that they work with their pediatric dental team to remove the damage caused by the decay and restore the smile accordingly. The primary method of restoring the smile after the development of cavities is with fillings.
What are dental fillings?
Fillings are commonplace in dentistry. They are used to repair areas of the tooth where decay has formed. Decay eats away at the natural tooth enamel, and can tunnel deep inside the tooth, putting it at risk of infection. When areas of decay are found early enough for successful intervention, they can be effectively treated using fillings. At Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, we offer two methods of repair, including ceramic fillings and composite resin fillings. Both of these are safe and effective to use as fillings in teeth that have been impacted by cavities.
How long do dental fillings last?
A dental filling will often last many years with proper care. Patients are encouraged to continue to brush and floss their teeth to keep acids and sugars off of the surfaces of the teeth, the two biggest contributors to tooth decay. With routine dental visits, our dental team can also evaluate the teeth and any dental restorations to make sure they are functioning as desired. Our professionals can recommend replacement if they determine that a current filling needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
Are dental fillings natural-looking?
With the use of composite resin and ceramic, our practice offers dental fillings that blend in seamlessly with the natural tooth enamel to not only repair decay but disguise the fillings themselves. This eliminates the appearance of dental work having been performed on the smile!
Visit with our team today!
The dentists at Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics are here to help patients obtain beautiful, healthy smiles. If decay has impacted your smile’s appearance and health, it is time to educate yourself further on the advantages of fillings. With two options available, patients have a choice as to what can be done to address their concerns. Call our team today at (212) 879-6518 to request an appointment with our staff.