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How Halloween candy impacts the smile

Halloween is just around the corner, and this means mountains of sweets and sugars! Many parents cringe at the idea of sending their child out through the neighborhood to collect candy, but it is also one of the most exciting holidays for little ones. At Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, we understand the fun in trick-or-treating—but also believe in the importance of educating children on keeping their smile healthy over the next few weeks.

How does Halloween candy impact the smile?

We’ve all heard that sugar will rot the teeth. While this isn’t exactly true each time you enjoy a candy bar, there is reason to believe that without proper oral healthcare habits, patients may indeed experience rotting teeth. Children love eating sugary snacks, but this doesn’t mean it has to be detrimental to their smile. Halloween candy high in sugar bonds with natural bacteria in the mouth to form acids. These acids then break down natural tooth enamel. When this happens, patients are at a much higher risk of developing tooth decay with intervention.

How to stop decay from candy consumption

The conversation of sugars with bacteria to create acids takes time, which means there is a window of opportunity for children to protect their smile from sugar consumption. It is strongly recommended that patients monitor their child’s sugar consumption after Halloween, maybe allowing a treat or two a day. Then, patients should advise their children to brush and floss their teeth immediately after eating. This eliminates sugars left on the surfaces of the teeth which can contribute to the formation of cavities.

Maintain a healthy smile through the year with the team at Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

New York, NY area families are encouraged to work with a pediatric dentist who can provide care for children, ensuring they have a healthy foundation and proper education to maintain beautiful smiles for life! If you reside in the community and are considering making an appointment with our team, call (212) 879-6518 today. Our front office team at 800A Fifth Avenue, Suite #303 can get new and current patients in for a timely appointment for the best possible care and attention from a family dentist.

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